and tailor the game up to your likings completely - which many Witcher. That’s it for Master of the Arena! Though short, it’s one of the more humorous side quests in the game and a smart subversion of everything you’ve done up until this point. Witcher 3 has an outstanding modding stage, which can allow you not just actually. Imgur link with modlist, script merger screencap and settings menu. Apart from these mods I also have Debug Console for 1.22 (which works fine somehow). Only one mod is showing up and that was downloaded before the 1.31 update (I havent played since it got updated to 1.30 actually). The two guards will happily pay you an additional 20 Crowns. My mods are not showing up in the mod menu. When you do return to Hov, you’ll find a small crowd watching fights in the newly rechristened Cursed Arena. “Later” translates to a couple of in-game days, so just pass the time by doing other quests around Skellige. Yep good post - I run a ton of mods - not because things are "broken" or anything but just because they make the gameplay experience even more fun / immersive / realistic for me.With the spectre gone, Gunnar and Lydrik will give you 15 Crowns for your trouble and ask you to return later to collect your second payment. But it fixes it non the less without it I cant wear a hood and cloak the trailer shows your character is wearing at one point. So the cloak mod corrects an issue I have with the game all be it a small issue. For example I feel that the witcher 3 requires a cloak mod because it was shown in the trailer Geralt wearing a cloak and hood yet its not in the game. Your cant say witcher 3 doesn't need mods at all ever and it be fact. Originally posted by every1hasnames:its all preference guys.

Because for every person who believes a game needs mod/modds theres going to be a person who believes it doesn't. And in no way could you prove a game doesn't need it nor can you prove a game does neet it. Modding or not modding is personal preference. Just be reasonable and understand that modding or not modding is personal preference.Īnd this is true for any game really that has mods out for them. And frankly trying to argue it either way is a little ridiculous because no one will ever prove either side of it as fact. Get it? Its all personal preference, Its all opinion.

But it fixes it non the less without it I cant wear a hood and cloak the trailer shows your character is wearing at one point.īut at the same time me saying the cloak and hood mod is needed is still just personal preference and is in no way proof that that the game does need mods.